Sign #1: You check your mobile phone every few minutes for Facebook notifications, Insta likes etc.
Sign #2: You act like its the end of the world is over when you have no Internet access.
Sign #3: You think you are cool when you use words like BRB, LOL and other social media lingos.
Sign #4: You always check-in to let everyone know where you are.
Sign #5: Announcing to everyone your daily routine become a daily routine!
Sign #6: You hang out with other social media addicts.
Sign #7: You tag your friends on pictures when they are not there.
Sign #8: You use too many #hashtags
Sign #9: You make urgent requests on Facebook for everyone to send you ‘lives’ on Candy Crush like your life depends on it.
Sign #10: You believe you are as popular in real life as you are on social media.
Sign #11: You lose your mind when your pictures are not able to be uploaded.
Sign #12: ‘Tweets’, ‘Insta’, ‘Updates’, ‘Hashtags’ and other jargons become part of your vocab.
Sign #13: You create a Facebook account for your little dog Tinkerbell and ask everyone to like it!
Sign #14: You cannot live a day without social media.
Sign #15: You think people with no social media accounts are losers and have no friends.
Sign #16: You tell people how many friends, followers or friend requests you have.
Sign #17: You love to stalk people via Facebook.
Sign #18: You check your Facebook wall first thing in the morning before breakfast.
Sign #19: You feel proud when your picture gets a 100+ likes on Facebook.
Sign #20: You classify time spent on social media as work or “research time”.
Sign #21: You use your Twitter handle when creating profiles on online games or dating sites.
Sign #22: You get upset when nobody comments on your updates in Facebook.
Sign #23: You spend at least 4 hours a day on social media.
Sign #24: You add/accept randoms to make up the numbers.
Sign #25: You would wake up in the middle of the night to check your social media.
Sign #26: You prefer Facebook messaging to texting.
Sign #27: You just have to take a picture of your fancy food before eating.
Sign #28: You think that the blue Twitter bird exists in real life.
Sign #29: You type “hahahahahaah” or ROFL while you are actually not even laughing out loud.
Sign #30: You start saying retarded words like “Bae”.
Sign #31: You claim that you will deactivate your Facebook, only to log back in the next day!
Sign #32: You feel upset when nobody likes your picture within the first 5 minutes.
Sign #33: You’re browsing History is filled mostly with Facebook.
Sign #34: You greet your friends by their social media handle.
Sign #35: You SnapChat yourself doing the craziest S@#t!.
Sign #36: You like your own pictures and posts.
Sign #37: You use phrases like “Hashtag Fail” in normal conversations.
Sign #38: You go to be with your phone.
Sign #39: You post semi-nudes of yourself often and expect people to compliment you.
Sign #40: Your house is a check-in location.
Sign #41: You take ages in the toilet checking all the social media affairs.
Sign #42: You go on full-panic mode when accidentally liking someone’s post or picture.
Sign #43: You notice immediately if your number of followers, likes etc. drops.
Sign #44: You think a girls/guys have a crush on you if they like your post.
Sign #45: You haven’t had a real hobby for years.
Sign #46: You eat at restaurants based on pictures you’ve seen on your friends wall.
Sign #47: Your posts are influenced based on how many likes or shares you think you will get.
Sign #48: You use emoticons in most of your replies.
Sign #49: Hell breaks loose when you need to check your Facebook but you can’t find your phone.
Sign #50: You Share this goat for no reason.